
Tuesday 20 March 2012

The Docter Ben Carson Show

On Tuseday 6th of March the almost the hole school went to Telstra Dome to see Doctor Ben Carson.We all walked up to the road to get on the bus.  We all got on the bus a little bit later we got there.We all had to line up and walk to the grass and sit it took long but we lived.So we got in it was so cool! there was lots of chairs there.  Everyone there was talking for long a little bit later a man came on stage he was really funny!!... After Doctor Ben Carson came on stage! He told us lots about himself when he  was young...And Ben Caron told us how take two babys apart !!! its was so cool and when Ben was a kid his mum told them to read book than watcing tv!? so him and his brother started to read with his brother they read and read and read when his mum said that did’nt have to read he just read all day long his teacher held a stone in the air everyone did not know what to say so Ben put his hand up and the teacher look wered cause that was his first time putting his hand up befor? and he said it!!!  Later we all had to go but all the schools got a drink and a apple for the way home..